
A Sustianable Future

We regard environmental sustainability–including climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy as an important item on our agenda. As an employer, we believe in the importance of humane working conditions. In our business model we give importance to equality of opportunity among all of our employees: we regard diversity in our workforce as a component of Malteridge’s richness and therefore we support it. As a service provider, we regard customer focus and customer satisfaction as being fundamental to everything. Our goal is to offer banking products and services to all of our customers in formats that are practical, intelligible, and accessible and also to enrich the banking industry through innovative and exemplary practices.

A sustainable Partnership

As a business partner, our relationships with suppliers are grounded in the principles of mutual respect, responsibility, and fairness and we are committed to developing them accordingly. We support our suppliers’ success through cooperative projects that we carry out together.

We are committed to continuously developing and implementing projects whose aim is to integrate universally-accepted sustainability principles into our business model.